The webinar will provide you with practical tips on how to identify when a client is a victim of financial elder abuse, and steps that can be taken to protect the elder. You will also receive specific examples of who are the most likely perpetrators of financial abuse, how they accomplish the abuse, what red-flags are indicative of financial abuse, and what to do once you suspect financial abuse is occurring. Finally, you will explore available legal remedies to help you assist the elder or concerned family member in stopping the abuse and recovering assets. To learn more click this link to ClearLaw Institute Webinar on Identifying Financial Elder Abuse and Advising Your Client in Pursuit of Legal and Nonlegal Remedies.

Category: Elder Abuse
Establishing standing is a prerequisite to pursuit of any court action. There are many traps for the practitioner due to the differences in who may pursue certain claims in the different types of litigation. This webinar, facilitated by David Knitter, will provide a summary of who has standing to pursue actions in a multitude of different trust and estate proceedings, elder abuse matters, and power of attorney actions. To participate in this webinar, please click here.
Whether we are dealing with the difficult issues of how to convince dad to give up the car keys, mom’s need for placement in a facility, or fear of money being improperly acquired by a scammer, dignity of the elder must not be disregarded in the name of protection. The question posed is how to maximize the preservation of dignity in the face of true need for protection of the elder? This article addresses the issue as it relates to financial abuse of elders, but the principles are equally applicable in other situations.
Legal Assistance for Seniors hosted its 7th Annual Conference on Elder Abuse on May 21, 2012, at the UC Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco. David G. Knitter took part in this year’s Conference. The title of David’s session was “Undue Influence — How to Identify Who is the Con” presented to professionals working in fields related to aging, family violence and elder abuse.
Undue Influence How to Identify the Con
More than 280 participants spanning a wide range of disciplines—
Legal Assistance for Seniors (LAS) hosts its 6th Annual Conference on Elder Abuse. This state-wide conference is an essential educational and networking opportunity for attorneys, social workers and medical professionals, as well as law enforcement officials and government agencies who work in the field of aging and elder abuse.
This year David G. Knitter presented a session titled, “Understanding & Proving Undue Influence to Fight Elder Abuse”.